In the next few years, EAS will lose after Star Wars Jedi: The success of falling order - Player Game

Will EA learn something from the success of Respaw's action adventure titles?

There is no doubt that EAS New Single Player Game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order is a great success in every way. With regard to sales, -lost order, the previous two oversold rieg the Stars Games in their respective start window both physically and digitally. However, the sale is not the only area in which the notorious players has success with his latest great title. Critical reception of -dropped order Many mainstream reviewers and independent reviewers praised the graphic of the game, the storytelling and the obvious appreciation for the game rieg of the Stars Universe.

In addition, _ solves Order's_ the lack of microtransaktions and other techniques, which is known to enlarge in games around nickel and cents from their players, has not unnoticed. There is no other way to cut it into slices. _Jedi: Fallen order is another example of that EA picks up the feedback she received over the years and at least aroused the appearance to turn things around. So the question is no longer if EA knows what to do. The question is; Do you really do that? Or do you only do your best to appear so? The fact that this is even a question speaks volumes about the company and the state of the games as a whole. Nevertheless, it is a question that is more than earned at this point.

Obviously, we can not read any thoughts here, but there are enough information cores to put together a picture that may give us a better overview of what EA probably thinks. First and foremost, the contrast between the game that you have received for the last two schlachtfront games, andromeda, hymn, _ and the praise you received -false order_ has no doubt shockwaves by EA and gaming as a whole. It remains to be seen how far these shock waves have gone and whether they have reached the top level of decision-making within the walls of the massive publisher or not, but there is no doubt that the difference for anyone who takes time to look after, Strong and obvious is about it. However, this is a big advantage for EA. It does not often happen that the customer base of a company makes so clear what you expect from the company. Therefore, it is also a rare gift when gamers bring their criticisms into harmony with their purchase decisions.

The decision to change when and in which direction a massive company is to change is usually a costly procedure resulting from several risk assessments and other calculations. But in the case of EA, the problems and solutions for anyone who has given much attention is quite obvious. You do not have to pay a focus group to learn that the main problem, the gamer with EA, are micro-transactions, in particular those associated with the character development, and philosophy to make experiences with solid foundations, but a large part of it in the To wasten proper order always to produce online games that are more likely to feel more than localized games. The semi-hearted publications we have seen in the last two bioware games have not helped either.

While we have seen, there are always insights in EA etwas The recognition for single-player games in recent years with smaller experiences like unravel games has largely doubled to the idea of ​​offering games as a service for their triple-a experiences . As we all know, this was largely a critical failure and remained behind the expectations in terms of sales in one way or another. So with jedi: Fallen order focused mainly to make the majority of their attractiveness available within this initial purchase price of 60 USD, and given the cautious optimism, the gamer showed in relation to the future of EA, the path seems to the front for EA To be obvious as it is difficult to screw up. Over the next few years, EA has to lose.

Apart from this surface appearance of EA, which turns things, there is hardly solid evidence that a kind of great, permanent philosophical change has occurred. EA has been there for a long time and a year of experimentation may not be a reference to a new way forward, as we all want to think. Of course, a broken clock also true twice a day. If the Origin Customer sold from EA again games on the PC and slowly wins its subscription service to ride, you might suspect that there are signs of a larger turnaround. However, a look into the game landscape could cause doubts.

In particular, Activision, the most powerful opponent of EA, has taken over the strategy to insert microstransaktions in many of its most popular games, months after publication and especially after most of the evaluations already written and digested by the public. To believe that EA has not noticed this technique of the Trojan horse and at least does not consider her own version, would be incredibly naive, as they try to find a balance between the benefit of players' affection, their interest in EA in the course of the Years and their trusted responsibility, continued to generate profits and to enlarge the company.

Could EA be considered with all these angles and more that by anyone who cared for, use things? Absolutely. There are several examples in the younger and less younger history that suggests teaching and better, more respectful experiences for gamers. Given the long history, in which EA has developed great games for decades, it has been difficult to imagine that nobody has an idea where he can bring this spirit back into the ethos of decision-making. Apart from that, you might be guilty of suspicion that EA simply builds good will and political capital at players, just so that you can spend it later for a future title that becomes more similar to the transaction schlachtfront games? Of course not.

This is not unusual practice in companies that want to return to the favor of their shareholders and main customers. Why should you get a strategy uproot when you create them? Lighting How to get uproots is far cheaper? Especially if this company can create this. Although it is impossible to definitely say what's just happening, or whether it is a combination of both, is more than likely that it is only a bit too early in view of the success story of EA and the beginnings of this alleged change of philosophy It is every reasonable person who is outside of EA does not yet plant results.

It is very likely that EA still finds out where to land when it comes to maintaining the course with the change to Games AS A Service or not. With so many moving parts in a company that are so big and stand at the game every decision, a sudden dramatic shift would have too many unintentional consequences. But if EA stands in front of a big change, they will eventually inform the world with more games that respect their players, and with less playing, which only seem to respect their money.

_ Note: The views expressed in this article are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Gamingbolt as an organization and should not be attributed to it ._
