PS5 does not support Expandable SSD storage at launch

Given the massive transition to download games rather than the purchase of physical copies - a change that has inspired Sony to launch a disk-free version of the PS5 - the memory is more important than ever with regard to the consoles. The time when everything you needed was an external memory card is over, the games often requiring a last of us: part 2._

Although the base memory of the 825 GB console may seem huge, it should be noted that the last of us: Part 2 would occupy almost 10% of this space after installation, and as the games will continue to become More and more advanced, they will naturally need more and more memory to play. The memory becomes absolutely crucial, but Sony has confirmed today that the PS5 would not support SSD expandable storage at launch, despite a location dedicated to that.

If you have been following the updates for some time, you may already know that the architect Material PlayStation Mark Cerny has already issued doubts about the availability of the SSD extension at the launch, saying, It would be great if This occurred before the launch, but it is likely that it is a little exceeded, so please wait for you to get this drive Mr.2 until you have our news.

The reason for the delay is that all SSD disks are not fast enough to keep pace with the PS5, and therefore, rather than launch with the activated functionality, Sony waits until they have solved the problems of the system. Unfortunately, this can mean that some current SSD disks will be incompatible with PS5.

The good news is that the external USB storage will always be available from the first day, so even if you will not necessarily enjoy ultra-fast speeds, you will be able to enjoy the extra space.

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