Curril simulator is suddenly celebrated steam

Thanks to countless simulators, you can now play almost every job of the world comfortably on the PC. A particularly curious specimen is just so popular that it storms the Steam charts.

Steam: New simulator becomes a top seller

What is there more beautiful than after a busy working day to pinpoint the PC and continue working in a simulator? The gas station simulator seems to make so much fun that it clears up to top reviews of the player and is already shortly after release to the steam top seller.

As the name implies, the gas station simulator is about building and managing a separate gas station. For this you must first renovate an old Bruchbude in the Midwest and decorate to attract customers. Over time, you can expand your gas station and, among other things, entertain a workshop and a car wash. The workday should also be loosened with interesting events.

Gas station simulator harvest a lot of praise

On Steam there are now so many gas station owners that the gas station simulator lands in second place the topseller list. By the 22nd of September, the game is also reduced by 10 percent and costs only 15.11 euros. If you want to try the new job, you can also play a free demo first.

The reviews are also very positive. Currently, the simulator of 89 percent of 263 user reviews is praised . For example, the user Smoshi writes that the administration of the gas station offers a lot of depth and to come tolerate well. However, it is criticized that there are currently some annoying bugs.

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The price may be higher now. Price from 17.09.2021 03:44 clock

The bizarre gas station simulator storms the steam charts. Currently he even reaches second place. In the simulator you have to renovate and manage a old gas station . Your job is becoming increasingly complex over time.
