LOL PATCHE 11.18 PBE: Key Changes to Fizz and Qiyana, Pentakill and Tristana Hextech Skins

As every two weeks, we already have a new PBE cycle here in League of Legends. Riot Games faces the 11.18 patch, the first one who will take care of retouching the metajuego face to Worlds. Therefore, we have many changes specifically thought for powerful champions at competitive level, and not as many for our day-to-day as players of Soloq. It is time to expand the Pool of Viable Champions and adjust some issues that are not too attractive for players, clubs and public.

In addition to this, several important Skins will arrive. The first one is Tristana Hextech , an aspect that some time appeared in the game files but that until now had not been announced officially. This will need several gems to be achieved, but if you want Skins in exchange for Riot Points, we have a remittance of pentakill , the historic group of fictional music that will launch new album very soon.

Patch abstract

New Skins:

  • Tristana Hextech
  • Pentakill: Karthus, Olaf, Sona, MordaiSer, Kayle, Yorick and Sona.

Changes to champions:

  • Bufos: Draven, Jinx, Kai'sa, Karma, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Yone, Yuumi, Zed and Zoe
  • Nerfs: Apalelios, Ashe, Jayce, Kalista, Renekton and Varus
  • Settings: Dr. Mundo, Fizz, Lillia, Qiyana, Rumble, Soraka, Talon and Thresh

Changes to systems:

  • Objects: Tiamat, Titanic Hydra and Shady Guja
  • Runs: predator
