Prussia Münster loses 2: 3 against food: incredibly bitter

Just stupid , midfielder Joshua Holtby Consted at after the game, which looked at least after 45 minutes as if Münster goes off the square as a winner. Thorben Deters had hit twice for his new club, Prussia played a good first half , as coach Sascha Hildmann performed his team had actually under control . After 90 minutes, however, it was 2: 3 from the point of view of homeland.

It was already brutal, double packer deters granted an insight into his emotional life, unbelievably bitter. The safe guidance was playful, deters called a reason: In the second half we will get the goal of what food has played in the cards. They have been strongly made the opponent, said Hildmann, but also disfigured the defensive behavior of his team, We did not really defend it well.

We had it on the plate. A game takes longer than 45 minutes.

Trainer Sascha Hildmann

That also saw Holtby like that: As we collect the 2: 2, we just do not wake up. At 2: 3, we are just sleeping. Hildmann ultimately annoyed about referee Timo Gansloweit, who had shown the Red Map the Prussia Coach. The last ten minutes, the referee has lost the thread and whistled very crops. He has to whistle a penalty for us. But he did not, but Münster went from the square for the first time this season as a loser.

DETER 'recipe for the next game

We had it on the plate. But a game lasts for more than 45 minutes, said Hildmann, whose eyes tomorrow is coming forward. On Saturday, the ten points from six parts waits neatly started SV Straelen on the SCP. The recipe after 2: 3? Create the good performance, shape the result positive. So you can make a very bitter defeat quickly forgot again, Deters said. He could be missing, because after his two goals, the offensive man had to be from the field with a thigh injury after 36 minutes.
