Im Hye Sook-Sook 28GHz is not built ...

The Minister of Information and Communication of Im Hye Hyeon Sookmyo said it revealed the position of the 28GHz band 5G Base Station.

In the 20th, the Ministry of National Assembly, a member of the National Assembly, said, The implementation of the 3-year-old 28GHz base station duty, said,

The 28GHz Base Station, which should be done by duties until the end of the year, the mobile communication is about 10,000 per year. However, as we do not have a dedicated terminal, a modem, service, the proportion of duties is only 0.3% as of the end of August.

If you do not fulfill the duty of the base station properly, if you do not fulfill the duty of the base station properly, if you do not fulfill the duty of the base station properly, I do not want to be able to do it in the shareholder.

The Ministry of Nationality of the Kookmin was not to focus on investment in the 3.5GHz band, not 28GHz. He returns a high-frequency band allocation cost, and it is a claim that the complaints of the people have increased B2C band investment.

The 28GHz network was a major promise, he said.

In order to go to 6G communication, the development of high frequency bands must continue and the direction of expanding the service, said 28GHz, said 28GHz, said it is back to the direction of technology development or service development.

The third-party network executive officer attended the National Women s Association, has shown that it is not easy to work with the proportion of obligations.

The Changchul SK Telecom ICT Infrastructure Center has said, I tried to make use of a dedicated organization for B2B purposes, and I have been built for a subway backhaul for a subway backhaul with a government. Through the enlargement of the use, we will try to make the compulsory seasons as much as possible.

The 28GHz Base Station deployment is a situation in the B2B field, said Kwon, Jeong-station, said, I am looking for a business model in the B2B field and refer to the service model idea that the government provides.

Lee Chul Gyu KT network sentence sentenced to similar idea .
