Loki, Valkyria or Thanos among the most popular baby names in 2020 in the United States

Many know that there is a rising trend in many families where names of pop culture characters are awarded newborn children.

Naturally, one of the most notable cases of the last decade has been game of thrones, with newborns receiving names such as Daenerys or Khaleesi .

But Marvel s cinematographic universe is also taking a good piece of cake, and the trend followed up at 2020 in the United States (and probably in other countries of the world).

According to the Huffington Post, the US Social Security Administration has revealed some curious data of names related to the UCM.

In 2020, 135 children received the name of Loki, the character of Tom Hiddleston in the UCM (and yes, the Nordic God).

For its part, 128 girls received the name of VALQUIRIA (Valkyre in English), honor the character of Teesa Thompson in Marvel s movies.

Another tremendously popular name since 2017 has been that of Thanos , because if you can call your son as a supervillain, no one cough.

The trend has been falling from the premiere of avengers: Infinity War, but there are still parents who name their Son as Loco Titan. You will see when he says he wants to dedicate to geology.

Other names of Marvel Popular among parents who have to baptize their children are Bucky and Quill , inspired by the characters of Sebastian Stan and Chris Pratt .

Bucky was the name chosen for 9 small , while 47 were called Quill . It should be noted that your parents should be attentive in case a ship of looters wants to abduct your child.

The impact of pop culture far beyond the strictly audiovisual or reading is more than evident.

Would you call your children with some fiction character name? Which one would you choose? Remember that if you want to review this information, but in Spain, you can consult the website of the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
