Xbox Series x Dashboard: New badges in the Xbox

Xbox Game Pass is a video game registration service from Microsoft for usage with its Xbox Collection X/S and Xbox One gaming consoles, Windows 11 as well as Windows 10, along with Android and iOS tools via Xbox Cloud PC Gaming. Xbox Game Pass grants individuals access to a turning catalog of games from an array of publishers and other premium solutions, consisting of Xbox Live Gold as well as EA Play, for a solitary monthly subscription cost. The service was released on June 1, 2017, while Xbox Live Gold customers got priority access on May 24. Clients of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate have accessibility to Xbox Cloud PC Gaming given that September 15, 2020.

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20 years Xbox mean a real milestone in the video game history, the Microsoft and Xbox will celebrate their own stream on 15 November. In addition to the latest details about the Xbox-Anniversary Celebration stream, Microsoft today announced that the badges, so the member badges in your Xbox profile, starting next week for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Xbox Live Gold members through a new, colorful version are replaced. Further, changes will not be made on the profile. The number also reflects only how long you already have the appropriate membership. And so the new badges look (click to enlarge):
