Pubg registers about 700 thousand concurrent users after returning for free

Since last year we were ahead that Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG , would be becoming a completely free experience. This Battle Royale already adapted the format of free-to-play, and as a consequence, its number of players increased drastically, but they also did their connection and servers problems.

Via twitter , Daniel Ahmad , analyst at Nike Partners , revealed that PUBG reached a peak of 670 thousand concurrent players at Steam during the course of the day of today. In addition to the servers, players report that there has also been an increase in hackers and cheats.

Despite the competition, PUBG is still one of the battle royale healthier out there and now that it was surely became free that these figures will increase even more. Hopefully your developers can maintain stability on servers, as well as cleaning the game of cheating, in order to maintain a constant base of active users.


Editor's note: I think that here the biggest problem will be related to servers, especially for casual players. After all, I do not know how many people are willing to wait hours to enter a game, especially in the case of new users.
