Elite Dangerous received update 4.0.12 with a new illegal mission and other changes

The Elite Dangerous spacecraft received a fresh update 4.0.12, which brought a bunch of improvements and changes to the game regarding the user interface, AI, character, ships and other important elements. We’ll talk about the most important parts of this update below.

The players have now become accessible to the illegal version of the assignment of protection to support criminal groups on which Omnipol raids (Omnipol) are performed.

On the preliminary designed shift drives obtained from the latest events, it was possible to impose experimental effects. The plus to this the changes was affected by descriptions, pop-up hints and UI for other pre-designed modules.

Elite The console version of Elite Dangerous is not needed even by developers

The shipyard terminal was also added in foot zones, allowing players to immediately call their own ship, and the anarchy fractions will now offer the full market value for stolen goods.

In more detail with all the others, the Elite Dangerous players can familiarize themselves with the developer’s official message. In addition, in case you missed, recently, Frontier Development studio shared the updates of the updates for 2022, which you can familiarize yourself here.
