Stressed new edition: Training Fair of County Trade Shaft in the Prussia Stadium

"Do your thing in craft" - Under this motto, on Wednesday before the Westfalen Cup final, the training fair of the circular trade fair in the Prussia Stadium took place on Wednesday before the WestfalenPokalfinale. Who has the choice, has the agony - this is experiencing students in the decision for a profession today stronger than ever. At the same time, it is not easy to make an overview of an overview of the multitude of information and, in addition, to check the acquired knowledge of its importance for the expected professional life.

TW - narrated by Google WaveNet TTS synthesizer After two years of abstinence, the Kreishafterschaftsschaft Münster young people again offered the opportunity to inform themselves in the VIP area of the Prussian Stadium at numerous articles about training opportunities in the craft, 20 craftsiness were with an information stand. With small, practical actions, company owners and apprentices wanted to make young people curious and open interesting perspectives at work.

The Prussian Stadium and its premises offer the perfect environment to delight young people for the craft while spending a day of school at a very special place. We are looking forward to next year.
